Anal fingering: this must also be skillful

Proper fingering must be skillful. In thought, the finger is simply pushed into the anus and then it fits. In reality, however, it takes a lot more. Sensitivity and good preparation should never be ignored.

The anus is a pure nerve center. Therefore, sexual desire can also be well controlled anally. The anal massage is very attractive for the man and the woman. The nerve center is similar in both sexes.

The man still has the advantage of having a prostate. This can be perfectly stimulated when fingering the ass.

Fingering the buttocks in women

Anal fingering in women is a little different than in men. If you want to spoil your partner anally, then you need a lot of sensitivity. Approach with a little caution and play around the desired zone first. It is best to use a special anal gel as an aid.

You don't have to penetrate deeply, because the main nerves are located directly at the anus. You can also massage and finger the lady vaginally beforehand. This way you can slowly move to the back of the body. From front to back is optimal.

But please never go back from the back to the front. That is, if you have fingered her anally, you have nothing more to do with this finger in the vagina. Otherwise you risk that your partner gets an infection.

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Finger in the man's anus

Not every man is immediately ready to have something pushed in the back. Even a little finger is too much for some men. So go ahead with the man with a lot of sensitivity and tenderness. You can start with a normal back massage.

Let this become a butt massage in the course of time. Then you can gently approach the anus. At first, massage only the anus and play around it a little. If you notice that your partner remains relaxed, you can put your finger in his butt.

The man is lucky enough to have a prostate. You can apply light pressure to it with your finger. He will enjoy it!

Cleanliness and aids

Anal fingering can be a good preparation for anal sex. However, it can also just be a great addition. In any case, cleanliness and aids are necessary for it to really bring pleasure.

Cleanliness is obvious. But also remember that your bowels should be empty. You can do a colonic irrigation beforehand. There are corresponding intimate showers and co for it.

So that the penetration remains painless, the anus should be made supple. You can do this with special anal lubricants.

How do you finger yourself?

Fingering yourself is actually a very simple thing and often even easier than fingering your partner. After all, you know your body best and intensely feel your own touches. So you can easily find the right way to the anus.
Of course, the position of your body is important. Fingering yourself anally can require some flexibility. For example, it works very well if you lie on your stomach with your buttocks slightly elevated. But it also works in the supine position with your legs over your head. In this way, you can directly stretch the buttocks and get to the desired part of the body.
The Internet can offer you help in the form of videos. If you like watching porn, take the opportunity to look for explicit finger games there.
Otherwise, just try it out!

How to finger correctly?

Fingering in the ass is not always a real pleasure. The right fingering must be learned. It makes sense to practice on yourself to find out where it feels good and where not. Take a good look at the anal region and, if necessary, make the necessary changes.
Always make sure that your partner is really comfortable with your finger in the butt. Feel your way with sensitivity and above all have short well-kept fingernails!

At first, the finger should only apply gentle pressure to the anus. The pressure can be increased slowly, pumping until the finger then slides in. In men, the stimulation is very high because the prostate is found very far in front. It is not important to penetrate as deep as possible, but to find the right spot.

Anal dilation man

Anal stretching in men is quite easy to do. A relaxing oil is useful. Then you can gently start massaging the anus. Small anal plugs may be taken to help.

These are available in various designs, from very small to really powerful. So a stretching is possible completely after the own desires. Plugs can also be worn over a longer period of time in everyday life to get used to the stretching.

Fingering women properly

To finger a woman anally is not as simple as to finger a man. A woman has plenty of nerve endings at the anus, but she does not have a prostate. Thus, an important stimulation point is missing there. When you finger a woman anally, you have to find the right position of the finger. It's not just stick it in and then she likes it. Find stimulation areas.
It's always a good idea to bend the finger slightly in the ass, going in the direction of the vagina.
When fingering a woman, the following has top priority: from front to back yes, from back to front no! So you may finger her vaginally and then move to the anus, but never the other way around, otherwise you risk infections of your partner.
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