What is forced feminization?


The term forced feminization refers to the gradual transformation of a male slave into a female appearance and habitus by a dominatrix or master. Slaves who are subjected to forced feminization are generally called sissies or maids.

Forced feminization a role play?

Even if the term clearly evokes other connotations, it is very often the slave's desire to be subjected to such a procedure. The involuntary aspect of forced feminization is more akin to role-playing.

In most cases, the slaves in such games already have a strong urge to wear female clothing, high heels and female lingerie and can also be classified as lingerie wearers or transvestites.

Transformation - TV education

Men often want to take on the female role, especially in sexual terms, without permanently denying their actual life and their actual gender.

The actions involved in forced feminization can be extremely creative and oriented towards the wishes and ideas of those involved. Starting with the quickly visible changes such as wearing female underwear, styling the hair and applying make-up to the slave.

Desire and openness

Depending on the slave's wishes and openness, he may be ordered to seek advice in drugstores and other places in order to further intensify the humiliating effect. In addition, the wearing of high heels often poses further problems for many men.

Sexual component

Depending on the context, a direct sexual component can also be used, in which the man in his role as a woman is taken by the dominatrix using a strapon anal, for example, and thus made submissive.

Video by Nika Macht!

In the video on forced feminization, Nika Macht, known from nika-macht.com, gives advice, shares her experiences and gives tips on this special BDSM practice. The video aims to give a deep insight into the world of forced feminization and covers important aspects such as the psychological dynamics, role play and the inclusion of feminizing elements in BDSM scenarios.

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