There are different types of sexual play, which meet with rejection from a large part of the people, although these are neither particularly unusual nor harmful to others. Unfortunately, this also includes the so-called petplay, which is assigned by many people to the BDSM area is assigned.
However, this type of sexuality has many followers who feel comfortable with their fetish and their sexual games and know how to live out this sexual type of play in many different ways. In addition, this fetish for the petplay isvery often connected with a fetish for leather or latex and rubber and can be lived out simultaneously with this.
But what is petplay at all?
Petplay: A definition
Unlike the name suggests, real animals play no role whatsoever in this type of sexual play. Instead, people slip into the roles of the animals and take over their tasks. Equipped with matching masks and other accessories, these people enjoy their new role and often take their cue from active play partners who take on the role of masters and owners.
The type of animal depends heavily on one's own fetish and desires. Especially popular are pets such as dogs (Dog Play), horses (Pony Girl), cats, but also farm animals such as pigs can be found again and again among the chosen animals.
In pet play, most participants are less concerned with pure sexual gratification than with the role play itself and the clearly perceptible power imbalance between master and animal.
Both women and men love the passive role as animal or are confronted with a pet as master or mistress.
The Petplay becomes only by the equipment really satisfying
Many petplayers not only love to change their own behavior, but also transform themselves visually into the desired animals. Animal masks and corresponding latex suits help here, as do knee pads and appropriate gloves, which make human interaction practically impossible.
Also, many pet players use butplugs with matching animal tail applications to make the game even more realistic and also erotically titillating.
Petplay can be considered both sexual and asexual
Not every pet player associates pet play with a direct erotic component. While lust is aroused and acted out in parts by imitating the animal, the sexual component does not have to be the primary focus.
Many people simply enjoy escaping from everyday life through role play and completely surrendering to the wishes and demands of their master or mistress within a protected space.
Thus, petplay can be lived out in normal relationships as well as in the area of venal love. If petplay is evaluated exclusively in terms of its sexual stimulation, it is primarily the strong power imbalance between the play partners that constitutes the attraction.
In such a game, the "animal" no longer has any decision-making power, is punished by the active masters and ladies for wrong behavior, and thus must operate within a very tight corset of rules with often harsh penalties. For this reason, many active petplayers see themselves more in the masochistic role and live it out in their petplay.
Einfach Wuff
Ich und mein Hund (Ehemann) stehen total auf dieses Rollenspiel. Ich liebe es wenn er den geworfenen Knochen holt oder sich an meinem Bein schubbert ;-) Wäre Schön wenn ich mehr Petplay Spielzeug in euer Sortiment aufnehmen würdet.
Liebe Grüße
Wir danken Euch!
Petplay ist mal ein richtig geiler Fetisch. Mein Mann und ich leben das schon seit Jahren aus. Ihr habt Euren Shop gut aufgepeppt, was entsprechende Toys und Hilfsmittel angeht. Wir fühlen uns wohl bei Euch! Angefangen von Hundeleine, Masken, Halsbändern bis hin zu Petplay Plugs haben wir schon sehr viel aus Eurem Sortiment gekauft. Die Plugs sind echt ein Hammer! Sie bringen viel Freude. Das Tragen der Plugs macht Spaß und mit dem Schwanz / Schweif, der dann hinten raus hängt, wird das Rollenspiel noch mal ganz anders erlebt. Schön endlich eine Seite und einen Shop gefunden zu haben, der einen solchen Fetisch unterstützt. Wir danken Euch sehr dafür.
Danke für die Aufklärung
Oh! Na da war ich bislang ja doch immer ganz schön auf dem Holzweg. Ich wollte mich gerade schon echauffieren, dass Ihr über so was schreibt. Aber zum Glück habe ich den Artikel doch vorher gelesen. Ich dachte immer, dass Petplay Sex mit Tieren ist. Man sieht, hört und liest ja immer wieder schlimme Sachen, die den Tieren angetan werden. Aber gegen Petplay scheint ja nun doch nichts zu sprechen. Ein Fetisch wie jeder andere würde ich sagen. Gut beschrieben. Schön aufklärender Artikel.