Branding means that a body is marked with a brand. A branding iron is heated and pressed onto the corresponding part of the body. In the past, slaves were marked in this way by their masters. If they ran away, they could be brought back and punished accordingly.
We are talking about real slavery here, not BDSM slaves! Nowadays, branding is only used in animal breeding. It can still be found on cattle and horses.
Nowadays, however, branding is also considered body jewelry. Some people are willing to accept this type of marking in order to wear it as jewelry. The branding is then applied to a visible part of the body.
However, BDSM branding is actually about marking a sub!
It shows the connection between sub and dominatrix. It is probably the highest form of recognition if the sub wishes to be marked by branding.
Temporary or for eternity?
If a submissive wants to show his appreciation and have himself permanently marked, this is probably a great honor for the dom / dominatrix. But for eternity also means that this branding will never go away. It creates a permanent scar. Forever! The slave must really be aware of this.
Temporary branding, on the other hand, means that the dominatrix branding only lasts for a few weeks or months. It is superficial and can heal without scarring. In this way, you only show your affiliation and submissiveness for a certain period of time. Some people simply want the feeling of pain that is triggered by the hot iron.
Practice beforehand!
Before you start marking your slave, you should practise using the branding iron. It can be surprisingly frightening to feel this sensation and hear the hissing when hot iron hits skin. Zucchinis or eggplants are suitable for practicing.
However, it can be even more useful to use pig skin / pork rind. This is the most similar to human skin. You can practise how hot the iron needs to be and how long and intense the pressure needs to be applied.
Before you start with the real branding, you should test a small branding on an inconspicuous area of your slave. This is the only way to find out how sensitive your sub's skin is. And the sub can get a little experience of how painful it will be.
Non-visible areas on the body means anything that can be well concealed by clothing. The exercise area should also be covered if only swimwear is worn.
How is a branding created?
For a branding you need disinfectant, a branding iron and a Bunsen burner.
Before application, the relevant part of the body and the branding iron are disinfected. The branding iron is then heated with the Bunsen burner. It is not possible to say exactly how long it needs to be heated for.
It depends on how intense the brand is to be and how sensitive the respective area of skin is. The iron is then pressed onto the skin immediately after heating. With pressure and for a certain amount of time. You should discuss exactly how intense and for how long beforehand.
If it is only intended to be temporary, then a little pressure and only holding it on for a short time is sufficient. Permanent dominatrix branding requires more pressure and must remain on the skin for longer. But still proceed with caution, it must not cause extremely deep wounds!
Aftercare is important. The branding must be treated with wound healing products so that the scar can form cleanly. If the branding becomes infected, a visit to the doctor is necessary!
What should the branding look like?
A BDSM branding can be a small logo that only the parties concerned know how to interpret. But it can also be the initials of the mistress or the complete dominatrix name.
If a branding iron is not delicate enough for you, you can also use the Violent Wand.
This allows you to work in a similar way to a tattoo machine and draw fine lines. The branding is created by electric burns. You can turn your dominatrix branding into a real work of art.

Thanks to Cruel Reell
"BDSM Branding" ist ein faszinierendes und intensives Thema, das viel Bedacht und Verständnis erfordert. Es ist eine Form der Körpermodifikation, die in der BDSM-Community weit verbreitet ist und oft als Zeichen der Zugehörigkeit oder Hingabe verwendet wird. Es ist wichtig zu betonen, dass ein Branding eine ernsthafte Entscheidung ist, die dauerhafte Narben hinterlässt und daher nicht leichtfertig getroffen werden sollte.
Die Sicherheit ist bei einem Branding von größter Bedeutung. Es ist wichtig, vor dem Branding zu üben und sicherzustellen, dass alle notwendigen Vorsichtsmaßnahmen getroffen werden. Es ist auch wichtig, die richtige Nachsorge zu gewährleisten, um Infektionen zu vermeiden und eine gesunde Heilung zu fördern.
Ein Branding kann auf viele verschiedene Arten und mit verschiedenen Werkzeugen durchgeführt werden. Es kann ein einfaches Brandzeichen sein, oder es kann ein komplexes Design sein, das mit einem Violent Wand erstellt wurde. Unabhängig von der Methode oder dem Design sollte ein Branding immer mit Respekt und Einverständnis durchgeführt werden.