The CNC kink is already one of the most extreme preferences that can be found in the BDSM field. The meaning of CNC is not so easy to explain. Pronounced / written out it means "consensual non consent".
This means as much as agree to something that you do not agree to. Sounds very confusing at first, it is for people who have not really had to do with the CNC fetish. But in the end it is quite simple. You agree to unpredictable actions.
That is, you let everything come to you, even if they are things that you do not want. But for this to work really well, you have to talk a lot beforehand.
From spontaneous action to rapeplay
CNC can mean a whole lot of things. First and foremost, you give your consent to things you don't want. Example: You agreed to have spontaneous sex whenever and wherever the top wants. So if he suddenly takes you through in the middle of a long-distance train or something, you can't just say no, because you have agreed to such actions.
The CNC fetish can refer to spontaneous sex whenever and wherever the bottom wants. However, it can even be a little mini kink with vanillas, which simply refers to the fact that the clothes may be torn from the body. However, most people relate the CNC fetish more to the well known rapeplay. With rapeplay you agree to a rape, so to speak. Of course nobody wants to be raped voluntarily.
But in this case it is a preference for a certain sex act. For the certain brutality, the slight pain and violence. The bottom loves to experience the unexpected.
However, CNC by no means has the meaning that the Top is allowed to do everything.
It is not a free pass to take whatever you want. The CNC Kink needs a clear consent of all involved!
CNC is not a blanket consent!
CNC is not to be confused with metaconsensus. With metaconsent, you give blanket consent. Say the consent is valid until revoked for all sessions. With CNC Kink it is different. Here you give your consent for the discussed session. After that it loses its validity until something else is agreed.
So if you have agreed to rapeplay, you have done this only for one time. Your consent for spontaneous sex is valid until it is fulfilled. All further sessions must be rediscussed and renegotiated.
No one must feel really uncomfortable
Even if it is a really aggravated sex, especially if we assume rapeplay here, nobody must feel really uncomfortable! Therefore, first and foremost, trust is important! That is, you must know each other and be able to trust blindly. Such a thing can be caused only if you talk. Talk about your inclination and plan what you are going to do.
In rapeplay, of course, no individual actions are agreed upon, as this would take out the stimulating appeal. But both of you have to be clear that it is just a played rape, with unpredictable acts. So that all this doesn't go too far, a safe word is indispensable.
Sentences like "Stop it, I don't want to do it" are often used in such a role-play. They give the incentive not to stop. Therefore, it is best to define a completely inappropriate safe word. If this falls, the game is immediately terminated!
Also afterwards you should take care of each other. Look at each other, talk, ask each other if everything is okay. The experience wants to be processed with a confidant. This is called aftercare and is important for body and soul.