Masochism - when pain becomes pleasure

Masochism belongs to the BDSM division. It is a preference that is not understandable for everyone. With this preference, everything is different. Not even the word comes, as usual from English or Latin.

It is a derivative of the author's name Leopold von Sacher-Masoch. The latter achieved great fame with works such as "Venus in Fur". The theme of the novella revolved around a man's devotion to his wife.

In his books he wrote about the addiction to pain and submission. A libidinous behavior, captured in artful aesthetic words. And now, in short, masochism is about the desire for pain, which stimulates sexually.

What is a masochist

For a long time, masochists were considered to be diseased people. Those who were masochistically inclined had a clear mental picture of illness. Masochists are into pain. Physical, as well as psychological pain, sexually stimulates the "afflicted."

It promotes pleasure and can even lead to sexual climax. Since 2013, however, masochism is no longer listed as a medical condition. Being masochistic lost its meaning for medical professionals. It is now a recognized fetish from the BDSM - scene.

In rare cases, the masochist has no sexual feelings, but only connects positive energies with the pain and thus gets into a state of pleasure. The sadist, who inflicts the pain on the masochist, does not have to act out any sexual acts with his sub. The pain alone is fulfillment enough.

A masochist is a person who demands pain, endures it and loves it. It is a submissive or at least semi-deviant person who allows himself to be humiliated with physical pain and also with words. Among other things, you will also experience such constellations at Rope Games or at Cuckolding.

Torture yourself

A masochist can also torture himself. In order to exercise the pleasurable pain in and on yourself, you can use the appropriate tools. There are electrotoys that do more than just twirl a bit. Testicle clamps, testicle weights and especially tight penis rings can also trigger pain.

What are the causes of masochism?

There are no real causes of masochism. Triggers for this tendency have long been sought. Especially when masochists were still considered mentally ill people, the search for causes was very active. Many psychological discussions were held to look for causes and triggers in childhood.

Neglected children did shenanigans to get their parents' attention. This usually came in the form of beatings, perhaps even with a cane or belt. This inflicted pain is associated with the associated attention and thus triggers a kind of feeling of happiness.

This can then continue through the entire life. Already the perfect masochist is found. Whether this cause is true or pure spinning, everyone can find out for itself. So far nothing has been proven in this direction. Nowadays also no cause research in this direction is pursued any more, since it became medically irrelevant.

Ultimately, you know yourself best. If you feel pleasure when pain is inflicted, you are at least masochistically inclined. If you then live it out properly, you are fully masochistic. Why this is so, only you can answer this question. No one knows better how it looks inside you than you yourself.

Some people also claim that after the punishment, after the pain, they feel like new. Like a rebirth of sorts. Others simply strengthen it because they have endured "bad things".

But it can also actually be trauma if you experienced violence or even abuse in childhood. In this case, as long as you are comfortable with what you are doing, all is well. However, if something is bothering you in some way or you feel uncomfortable, it is a matter of finding a way out. In this case, it becomes medically relevant again. Because if a masochist doesn't want to be a masochist, they can seek psychological help and appropriate therapies.

What is a sadist

A masochist always includes a sadist. The sadist is the counterpart of the masochist. As a sadist you like to dish it out. You are the dominant part who inflicts the pain. You enjoy watching the other person squirm in pain. It is a big part of your life to use torturous "weapons."

These include gagging tools and also hitting tools. Whips, crops, paddles, canes and more can be used. Of course, a sadist also feels corresponding pleasure when he inflicts pain on his sub. For him it is just as exciting as for the masochist who experiences the pain too.

But there are also non-sexual sadists. Here then is spoken of the preference of oppression. The sadist comes up with mean things to constantly annoy and bully a person.

He exposes the chosen one in front of others and makes him psychologically sad and weak. Sadly, sadists are not only found in the BDSM scene, but actually in normal everyday life. This can be a family member or maybe a work colleague.

Sadism and Masochism

If you talk about sadomasochism, sadist and masochist meet. Completely consensual SM (sadomasochism) is lived out. Some lead a corresponding SM relationship, for others it is a pure, lustful business. The dominatrix, for example, earns her good money by torturing masochists. While the masochist enjoys feeling the pain, the sadist enjoys giving the pain.

With SadoMaso, it is always important that it is truly consensual. And this is another fetish that requires trust and prior agreements.

The sadist must be in control and not overshoot the set goal. It makes sense to agree on a code word that the masochist can use if he no longer feels comfortable and the SM session has to be broken off.

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