Enjoy life as a cuckquean

Life can be really enjoyed as a cuckquean. At least if you have a passion for seeing your partner with other women. Now this sounds as if you would give your partner a free pass to cheat.

However, this is by no means the case. Cuckqueaning is not quite as simple as that. Yes, the partner has sex with others, but not in a niveaulose Frenmdgeher way.

What is a Cuckquean?

A cuckquean is a woman who likes to watch her partner having sex with another woman. She watches, does it to herself or even joins in directly. Often such women do not specialize in one sex when it comes to sex.

She is attracted to both sexes. This makes it bearable to see the man with another woman. After all, as a cuckquean, you are into her yourself! It's not just purely about the sex either. You practically lead a relationship of three. Only rarely do changing women come into play.

The three-way relationship runs only as long as you as a Cuckquean are on the first place with him. So the other woman is just a decorative accessory that you can both enjoy. She is a house friend

The housemate

As a cuckquean, you not only tolerate the house mate, but also like her very much yourself. You have nice moments together as a threesome. But your partner can also spend time with her alone. At least in bed. The cuckquean does not always have to be present when he plays with the girlfriend.

The girlfriend may be attractive and sexually it must fit super. But she must not make any demands. A house mate can live well with not playing a really important role in the cuckquean relationship. If you as a cuckquean don't want to have a girlfriend anymore, your partner has to end it immediately. Because his permanent partner is only you.

The Hotman

In a cuckold relationship, the man is of little value. He is the submissive part. In a cuckquean relationship, however, it is quite different. Here the man is the hotman. He is the stud who is desired and allowed to enjoy sex with other women.

He is allowed to drive you crazy, to make you really hot, while he is having a sexual romp with the girlfriend of the house. The sight of him makes the lust sprout up in you. And you as a cuckquean have the choice whether you leave your hotman alone with the girlfriend, whether you stay and watch or maybe you want to join in.

The Hotman, is yours whenever you want. You must never feel rejected or pushed away. But even here there are exceptions!
The male cuckquean, or cuckold, is into being humiliated. This can also happen during cuckqueaning. Some women would also like to experience this in exactly the same way. They are sexually humiliated and laughed at while the hotman takes the girlfriend through.

The game ends when it is no longer good for you

When the whole relationship is no longer good for the house mate, she can be replaced. She may leave and you as a cuckqueaning couple can look for a new one. If the hotman doesn't feel like it anymore, the whole game will end.

The same is the case if the cuckquean doesn't feel safe anymore. Then it's just her and him. At least until the relationship and the well-being are consolidated again. The Cuckquean is and always remains his number 1 and is irreplaceable!

Tags: Dreier, Cuckquean
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