BDSM stories for beginners
The first meeting
Tanja and Erik met in a park. It was a hot summer day, everyone in the park was lightly dressed and lying around more or less lazily on their blankets. Tanja was slim, petite, and her appearance made her seem almost fragile and defenseless.
But despite the intense heat, she was active, playing badminton with her friend. A game that already requires a good amount of open space. Often difficult in a simple city park. So it didn't take too long until Tanja bumped into Erik, or rather fell right on top of him.
Erik was alone in the park. He was tall, muscular and heavily tattooed. A man better to get out of the way than to lunge at him so swingingly.
Startled and with a certain fear in her eyes, Tanja looked at Erik. She hardly dared to move. She lay across him while he held her to protect herself and her from injury. When two bodies collide, painful bruises can happen quickly.
Erik didn't smile, but helped her get off of him. She sheepishly apologized and pulled away. "Better watch out, next time I might keep you," were the words Erik threw after the young woman. His voice was deep and rough. But it did not sound unfriendly.
Tanja couldn't resist the urge to look around for him again. And there it was! A small, mischievous smile. Sugar-sweet though, almost inappropriate for a man of his rugged appearance.
Unexpectedly, a wicked thought crept into Tanja's mind. What would sex with a man like him be like? She herself was more of a wallflower when it came to sex. Nothing to try, simple positions, she did not dare more. I wonder what it was like with Erik? What kind of experience did he have?
Curiosity is too strong
Tanja's curiosity won out! When her friend had left, she looked to see if the stranger was still there. And yes, he was still lying in the same spot as before. She gathered all her courage and went to him. "Hey, I wanted to apologize again for my attack.
I hope I didn't hurt you," she addressed Erik with a charming smile that took all her courage. Erik asked her to take a seat next to him. They introduced themselves to each other and spent the afternoon getting to know each other.
Tanja quickly discovered that you shouldn't judge anyone by their looks. Erik was very nice, courteous and radiated complete security. The very next evening, the two had a date.
Erik was a real model man with good manners. He didn't rush into anything and knew how to behave in public. But his appearance made Tanja have naughtier and naughtier thoughts.
She wanted to sleep with him, test him out, taste him, just let it all happen. "I'd like to know what your preferences are in bed," Tanja blurted out. In response, she got a deep, throaty laugh and a firm, decisive kiss. "I can take you down a whole new path and show you how tough love can be," Erik invited the woman at his side.
Inquiries and many questions
Tanja left Erik at her front door with a mixture of fear, curiosity, frustration and desire. She didn't invite him in, but didn't forget that incredibly insistent, hot kiss half the night.
Erik had made allusions to hard sex. What did he mean by that? Tanja looked around a bit on the Internet instead of sleeping. Erik radiated such confidence. How could anyone be afraid of having sex with him?
Was it possible to combine the two? Fear and security? Her nightly research led her to the point of consensus and safety regarding BDSM. Numerous sex practices that were hard and fear fulfilling presented themselves to her.
Ranging from rough sex to acted out rapes, it was all there for her to watch out of a mixture of disgust and excitement. It was just before six in the morning when she called Erik. His voice was so seductively deep as he sleepily answered the cell phone.
She could hear her own blood rushing in her body, so excited was Tanja. "We need to talk," she said. When he asked what about, she replied curtly, "about sex!"
Well, Erik didn't let him say that twice!
Rabid but horny!
Erik expected Tanja at his home a short time later. He had not thought it necessary to put on big what. In tight boxers he opened the door to his guest. Her eyes immediately fell on his magnificent piece, which was unerigiert, but still considerably large. Erik stood in front of her with a broad grin and let her look.
The handsome man suggested Tanja to just show her a little bit instead of talking a lot. But now she got a little scared and wanted to leave. Erik gently took her hands and led her to the couch.
There he sat down close to her. He explained his planned procedure to her, arousing her desire and curiosity. Thanks to his words, she felt safe and secure when he started kissing her. Softly at first, but then roughly and firmly.
He pushed her forcefully onto the couch, lay weightily on top of her and reached into her crotch without much foreplay. The panties were quickly pulled down and his fingers slid gently but purposefully inside her. His penis swelled more and more and took on a truly imposing size. Gently and with great sensitivity he inserted it into her.
It was normal sex, at least in the beginning. A deep look into her beautiful eyes and Erik mutated into a wild animal. Powerfully and energetically he thrust. His hands moved to her neck.
A light caress became an air squeeze, but always only to a certain degree. Tanja experienced something new here and enjoyed it. It was dangerous and yet safe.
Tanja wants more
Sex with Erik held danger without being really dangerous. Beforehand, the two had agreed on a safeword. If he went too far, she could stop it with just one word. He would stop immediately so she could feel safe.
The first sex was just the beginning into a wonderfully exciting sex world. Tanja felt comfortable when he oppressed her during fucking, treating her as if she were dirt. After sex he was again the loving man who took care of her in a gentle way.
A mixture of two people this man seemed to be and Tanja learned to love both of them. A seemingly dissimilar pair, which yet harmonized perfectly with each other.
Diese Geschichte ist ein großartiger Einstieg in die Welt des BDSM. Es ist wichtig zu betonen, dass BDSM immer auf Konsens basiert und dass die Sicherheit immer an erster Stelle stehen sollte. Ein zusätzlicher Tipp für Anfänger könnte sein, immer ein Safewort zu haben. Dies gibt dem unterwürfigen Partner die Möglichkeit, die Aktivität jederzeit zu stoppen, wenn sie sich unwohl fühlen.
Ich liebe die Art und Weise, wie diese Geschichte die Dynamik zwischen Dominanz und Unterwerfung darstellt. Ein weiterer Tipp für Anfänger könnte sein, sich langsam vorzuarbeiten und nicht zu versuchen, alles auf einmal zu tun. Es ist in Ordnung, sich Zeit zu nehmen, um herauszufinden, was man mag und was nicht. Es ist auch wichtig, offen und ehrlich über seine Grenzen und Vorlieben zu kommunizieren.
Diese Geschichte zeigt wunderbar, wie aufregend und erfüllend BDSM sein kann, wenn es richtig gemacht wird. Ein zusätzlicher Tipp für Anfänger könnte sein, immer auf die körperlichen und emotionalen Reaktionen des Partners zu achten. Es ist wichtig, sich daran zu erinnern, dass BDSM nicht nur körperlich, sondern auch emotional intensiv sein kann, und es ist wichtig, sich danach Zeit für die Nachsorge zu nehmen.
Diese Geschichte zeigt wunderbar, wie aufregend und erfüllend BDSM sein kann, wenn es richtig gemacht wird. Ein zusätzlicher Tipp für Anfänger könnte sein, immer auf die körperlichen und emotionalen Reaktionen des Partners zu achten. Es ist wichtig, sich daran zu erinnern, dass BDSM nicht nur körperlich, sondern auch emotional intensiv sein kann, und es ist wichtig, sich danach Zeit für die Nachsorge zu nehmen.
Die Geschichte startet gut, ist aber zu Ende bevor es spannend wird.