If the various surveys are to be believed, many more people in the world have a shoe fetish than is generally believed. However, this is also a very comforting fact for many people who have a shoe fetish themselves.
It is neither sick nor perverse to be attracted to shoes. On the contrary, it is a part of your sexuality and therefore belongs to you. Nevertheless, many people do not dare to admit their fetish to their partners, remain sexually unfulfilled or are afraid of rejection.
Here you can find all the facts worth knowing about the shoe fetish and inform yourself comprehensively.
Shoe fetish or shoe tic: clear distinctions
Many people talk about a shoe fetish, but they mainly mean a so-called shoe tic. Especially women often call themselves shoe fetishists, because they have many shoes and like them especially. However, according to the definition, this is just not a shoe fetishism.
Because a fetishism is a sexual imprint by a certain object or a group of objects. Fetishism does not necessarily mean that normal sexuality is no longer possible for this person. Many fetishists enjoy vanilla sex with their partner just as much.
However, an important part is missing, which would be necessary for complete sexual satisfaction. Because the fetish of these people is directed at shoes.
Here, too, one must clearly differentiate. Because shoe fetishists are not on shoes in general, but usually on certain shoes. A particularly widespread orientation is the so-called altocalciphilia, which is directed at high shoes, so-called high heels. The high heels and the leg-stretching effect turn most men on.
However, the excitement of most men at the sight of such a woman is directed mainly to the female. Shoe fetishists, on the other hand, are also aroused by the shoes themselves, often want to touch them, caress them, smell them or get intoxicated by them in various ways.
However, such a shoe fetish does not always have to revolve around erotic shoes. So you can find among the shoe fetishists just as people who are enthusiastic about clogs, for construction worker boots or for rubber boots and whose fetish is focused on this shoe value.
The shoe fetish over time
Like many other fetishes and sexual expressions, the shoe fetish has been known for many years. Probably the first mention of the sexual potency of shoes can be attributed to the French author Rétif de la Bretonne. In his work "Le Pied de Fanchette" from 1769, shoes are known as erotic triggers for the first time.
However, as a product of his time, the author limits himself primarily to women's shoes. But he is not so wrong with that. Because in general, women's shoes are chosen by most fetishists and also fetishists when it comes to the expression of their own fetish. Whereby it is naturally difficult to find binding and generally valid statements here.
Since the imprinting of a fetish often happens in childhood or youth and not everyone makes his fetish public or admits, the dark figure in the area of shoe fetishism is extremely high. A nice thought for all who have not yet dared to confess their fetish to their partner.
It may well be that you can hope for more understanding than you dare to hope for.
Shoe fetish: how to tell your girlfriend?
Most surveys show that especially men have a shoe fetish and can hardly live it out. This is mainly due to the fear of admitting their own fetish to their partner. This is a difficult topic and definitely a problem. Especially if you have known each other for a long time, maybe even if you are already married, such a confession can become more and more difficult.
But first of all, something basic: Life without living out your own deeply felt sexuality is enormously difficult. Since you only have a shoe fetish, there are no good reasons which should prevent you from living out your sexuality. So the goal should be to be able to live out your shoe fetish with your own partner.
Here you have several options.
You can:
- freely admit your fetish and hope for understanding. It is important that you always bring the fetish in connection with your partner. This increases the acceptance and reduces the fears that you could "commit" to other people's shoes.
- Ask your partner to wear the special shoes during sex. This is especially feasible if your fetish includes shoes that are considered erotic. With high heels, a woman will be more inclined than if you ask her to sleep with you in rubber boots.
- You can talk about fetishes in general and approach the topic slowly.
None of these solutions is a guarantee of success. It is important that you give your partner enough time to get used to the idea. After all, it can be an enormous adjustment to rearrange your own image of your partner and to get used to the idea.
Nevertheless, there are many couples in which one partner fetishistically satisfies the other partner without sharing this fetish himself. And who knows: Maybe your partner will open up to you that he or she has a corresponding fetish of which you didn't know yet.
Live out the shoe fetish: Different possibilities
The possibility of integrating the shoe fetish into lovemaking is enormously varied. Whether simply wearing the fetish shoes during sex, kissing the shoes, smelling them: There are no limits to your imagination. Ideally, talk to your partner beforehand about what turns you on the most.
In the course of time, your partner can adjust to you better and better and make the occasional fetish sessions more and more interesting and intense.
You see, a shoe fetish is neither particularly rare nor really problematic. Often you can live out such a fetish in a relationship without any problems and without scaring off your partner. If you have kept your fetish a secret so far, this is a good opportunity to open up.
Show your partner this article, explain yourself and your fetish and enjoy the feeling of being able to live out your shoe fetish together with your partner.
Schöner Artikel der das Thema gut zusammenfasst.
Aber Schuhfetisch ist nicht gleich Schuhfetisch. Da gibt es viele Unterschiede. Ich selber habe meine Vorliebe für High Heels oder Ballerinas erst spät entdeckt. Auch das man die Schuhe nicht nur anschauen kann, sondern mehr damit anstellen kann. Fühle mich als Schuhfetischist, aber ehr ein harmloser. Gerne mal ein paar getragene Schuhe kaufen und reinspritzen oder die Partnerin bitten High Heels im Bett zu tragen... gibt aber auch schnlimmere Schuhfetischisten.
Habe guten Nutzen davon
Mir kommt der Schuhfetisch der Herren sehr gelegen. Ich hatte mal ganz normale Ballerinas verkauft, die nur 1 bis 2 Mal getragen wurden. Also ich wollte sie ganz normal verkaufen. Da meldete sich dann ein Herr, der einen entsprechenden Schuhfetisch hatte. Ich war anfangs echt skeptisch, ging dann aber auf ihn ein. Er mag es stinkig ^^. Soll mir recht sein. Ich verkaufe ihm nun regelmäßig meine Schuhe :D Inzwischen finde ich das auch gar nicht mehr merkwürdig. Soll jeder das ausleben, was er toll findet.
Frauen haben auch Schuhfetischs
Was die wenigsten wissen, es gibt auch Frauen mit einem Schuhfetisch. Damit meine ich jetzt nicht die Tussen, die ihren ganzen Kleiderschrank voller High Heels haben. Ich rede schon von einem richtigen Fetisch. Meine beste Freundin hat nämlich einen Schuhfetisch. Ich fand das erst total eklig, als ich sie dabei erwischt hatte. Inzwischen finde ich es nur noch lustig. Sie schnüffelt an den Schuhen von Männern. Ich erwischte sie, als sie ihre Nase in die stinkenden Turnschuhe meines Freundes steckte! :D
Oh Gott nun kenne ich auch den Unterschied!
Ich dachte immer, dass ein Schuhtick das Gleiche ist, wie ein Schuhfetisch. Nun verstehe ich auch, warum ich immer etwas komisch angeguckt werde, wenn ich erzähle, dass ich einen Schuhfetisch habe. Man, schon echt peinlich. Einen Schuhfetisch habe ich eindeutig nicht. Das was ich habe, ist ein Schuhtick!!! Ich kaufe so wahnsinnig gerne Schuhe. Habe einen ganzen Schrank voll davon, viele noch ungetragen. Aber ich stelle damit eben nichts an, also nicht dran riechen, nicht zum Sex benutzen und so.