Prostate massage: Naughty Boy in test

Prostate massage

I am Kai, 21 years old and currently single. Only too gladly I remember the sex with my girlfriend at that time, who was not only older, but also more experienced than me. So I was able to enjoy a real prostate massage at a young age, which already stimulated me extremely at that time.

But now, after a good 1 1/2 years without a partner, I remembered the feeling with pleasure, but wanted to be able to feel such a pleasure again, without having to slip directly into the realm of love for sale. So I looked at various websites on the subject and came across the Naughty Boy.

This prostate vibrator was recommended by many users of the various forums and platforms for beginners. I swallowed because of the price - not always easy for a student - but decided to buy because of the positive reports. I simply gave the Naughty Boy to myself for my birthday.

Unpacking and a little surprise

The package was delivered quickly and so I impatiently tore the paper aside. I was surprised. The Naughty Boy was by far not as big as I had feared. And what was even nicer. He didn't smell.

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The Prostate Twister by Steeltoyz is an extraordinary prostate vibrator that will take your anal pleasure to a new level. With its spherical head and grooved shaft, it offers a special prostate massage that you won't soon forget. Features and details With its 5 different levels of rotation, the Prostate Twister provides an unforgettable experience. The operation of...

I knew it from before that sex toys often smelled extremely. The Naughty Boy, however, hardly smelled and especially not unpleasantly chemical. That was already a good start.

Again go, because I was scatterbrained

I had forgotten to order lube and so had to go shopping again quickly. The whole time I was thinking about how I was going to use the Naughty Boy right away. Hardly arrived at my pad, I threw my clothes in the corner and jumped into the shower.

Thus cleaned and relaxed, I made myself comfortable in bed with the Naughty Boy, my lube and my laptop. I first tested the different vibration settings and was surprised by their intensity.

I would hardly have trusted such a compact device. Well then.

It goes to the nitty gritty

Inserting the creamed Naughty Boy was surprisingly easy. Even without practice, the massager slipped easily and quickly into me. First of all, I did without all the vibrations and tried to achieve stimulation only by tensing and relaxing the pelvic floor.

It succeeded in parts. It wasn't until I tested myself through the various vibration levels that I noticed a noticeable reaction from my body. It wasn't enough to bring me to orgasm just by stimulating my prostate, but as additional stimulation to masturbation, the Naughty Boy was a welcome change.

Addendum: And it works after all

After using the Naughty Boy for a few months now and slowly but determinedly approaching the topic of prostate massage, I finally succeeded.

With enough time and practice, you can also use the Naughty Boy to trigger ejaculation and a barely ending orgasm without stimulating the penis. You just have to take the necessary time and give your body the time to get used to this form of stimulation.

I am still positively enthusiastic about the optimal shape of the Naughty Boy, which hits my prostate exactly and which I can even move gently with the tension of my sphincter. Thus, I can stimulate myself hands-free and completely relaxed, without having to contort myself.

Second addendum: The Naughty Boy is fun for two, too

Now I have a girlfriend again and she discovered the Naughty Boy in my drawer. After I explained to her what it was for, she really wanted to see it in action. What can I say?

If you have very good stamina, you can bring the Naughty Boy into your normal sex life. For me, the stimulation inside me in combination with the girlfriend sitting on me was just too high.

I certainly wouldn't have been able to set a new time record that way. But at least the Naughty Boy is now used when my girlfriend would rather spoil me with her hand or mouth.

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  • Sehr offen geschrieben

    Wow! Sehr gut geschriebener Erfahrungsbericht. Respekt für Deinen Mut, dass Du so über das Produkt und die Nutzung schreibst. Du bist noch so jung, da ist es selten, dass so ein ehrlicher, offener Bericht entsteht. Es ist schön, dass es auch junge Männer gibt, die solche Toys nicht als schwules Zeug ansehen. Aber gut, Du hast die ersten Erfahrungen in der Hinsicht mit einer reiferen Frau gemacht. Ich denke das hat Dich sehr gut für Deine Zukunft geprägt. Schön ist auch, dass Deine neue Freundin das Toy nicht abstoßend findet und Ihr es sogar ins Sexleben mit einbinden könnt. Top!
    Liebe Grüße, Ulf